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Dr Manoj Chellani

Dr Manoj Chellani


Gynecology/Obstetrics and IVF Hospital

20 years experience

Infertility Management has become one of the most common medical concern in today's changing world. From problems ranging from Acute Medical issues that need customized treatment protocol to lifestyle and work-pressure issues we get patients from all fields and arena at Aayush test Tube Baby Centre - Raipur. From varied background they all have one dream – A dream of having their own baby. Aayush test Tube Baby Centre - Raipur today stands tall with thousands of babies born at our Centre solving varied causes of Infertility. I lead a strong medical team comprising of Senior Consultants and Embryologists at Aayush test Tube Baby Centre - Raipur. This team of expert specialists is indeed the crux and backbone of our institution and the reason behind our centre becoming the primo choice in Infertility Management. To aid them we have the most sophisticated and fully fledged facilities all under one roof at our hospital. Encompassing all the issues and comprehensively enabling treatment for even most severe cases of Infertility, Our centre has taken a leap forward to ensure happy smiles all around. By ensuring all the advanced departments and facilities such as Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive Surgery, Embryology and Andrology, Genetics and Neo-Natology are made available under one roof, Aayush test Tube Baby Centre - Raipur sets a new example in the Medical field in the determined effort to offer the best to their clients. The aim of our centres is in a short span of time is a testament to the trust and belief that our patients have bestowed on us. The centre are a one stop convenience for women that ensure that medical expertise is coupled with technology to deliver the best care possible. Investment in the latest technology, regular and continuous upgrading of facilities and equipment. all work towards one goal: To give our patients the best in the world where technology meets expertise.




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